Friday, May 22, 2020

Relevance of Human Resource to an Organisation - 2978 Words

THE COPPERBELT UNIVERSITY DIRECTORATE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION AND OPEN LEARNING PO. BOX KITWE NAME: TIMOTHY NSHIMBI P.O BOX 20515 KITWE STUDENT NO.:09175202 PROGRAME: BBA3 COURSE: HUMAN RESOURCE LABOR RELATIONS- BBA380 LECTURER: MR K.K.KAPIKA ASSIGNMENT :ONE DUE DATE:15TH SEPTEMBER 2012 Discuss the relevance of the Human Resource Management Department and the role that it plays in the organization. How developed is the Human Resource Management function in Zambian organizations from 1980 to date? Human resource management is the process of acquiring, training, appraising, and compensating employees and of attending to their labor relations, health and safety, and fairness concerns. A function performed in†¦show more content†¦representing and supporting employees; and, 4. acting as a change agent to prepare employees and implement processes for change within an organization. At the national level, Human Resource Management can help to support and enhance health-sector policies and practices to ensure a workforce whose staff, qualifications and placement are appropriately allocated. Organizations need to be able to accurately predict the human resource needs to maintain service delivery and improve access to care and quality of care. Staff training and development are driven by the need to bolster staff skills according to organizational competencies, goals and directions. Relationships with union officials need to be established and well maintained. Human Resource Management is responsible for participating in organizational capacity building; instituting new employee incentives; and re-shaping Human Resource Management policies, processes and procedures, supervision systems and job descriptions. Performance Improvement through Human Resource Management A solid Human Resource Management system provides the foundation for employee performance improvement. Performance improvement is a process for achieving individual and organizational results by identifying the key elements of strong performance, and then makingShow MoreRelatedThe Four Frames Models Model1376 Words   |  6 PagesModel was developed by Lee Bolman and Terrence Deal, and was first published in their 1984 book Reframing Organisations – Artistry, Choice and Leadership. In developing the model, Bolman and Deal attempt to answer the question, ‘What do we know about organisations and leadership that is genuinely relevant and useful to practitioners as well as scholars?’ They focus on leadership in organisations, ensuring that a balance between spirit and purpose, and control and hierarchy is established and maintainedRead MoreThe Concept Of Organisational Commitment Essay1622 Words   |  7 Pagesemployees engaged and committed to their organisation. T here is, in fact, no single definition of Organisation commitment. 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